jeudi 7 mars 2013

Thursday Inspo.

Hi folks! I'm sorry I didn't post anything. The thing is, I've been really busy. Even if I'm in my break week, I still have homework! I have to read a book( which isn't bad at all!), math homework and a spanish project. Thank god I don't have french homework to do (except the reading thing). But I had the time to check my weheartit account! I found a bunch of pretty pictures! So here they are :

I love this tattoo it is so beautiful ans simple, but I wouldn't put it there maybe on my ankle... I seriously don't know2885458_img_5911168_large
I love this outfit! it is so classy but casual, well , not for the heels, but this is a detailTumblr_mj5221gmsg1ru6s6jo1_500_large
This quote has a lot of meaning to me. Lots of people don't love themselves, they live for other people, they live for what people will think about them. Society is turning into an ugly society: judgements, bullying, anorexia, etc. Love yourself first, then live your life as you want to live it ! 
I loooooove this iPhone case! It is so..... beautiful! I personaly do not have a iPhone, I have a crappy cellphone, but it doesn't matter: it works. Through this blog, you'll notice that i'm not a very materialistic girl. I have my essentials, when I was younger , I was reaaaally materialistic. I had a MP4, a iPod, Ds, Gameboy... Shame on me, I know, but then, I realized that life was really hard so I decided to have just essentials. Belive it or not.. I only have 3 pair of shoes! Yeah... Keds, Puma an Alfani ballerina ( They were all on sales, i'm totally not spoilt!) All that speech to say that I really love this iPhone case... Sorry ^.^Fixo6zkhhag_large
 I love those loafers. I don't really like studs but they are soo gorgeous on those loafers! And I don't have loafers, that would be a new try....
 What can I say else than STUNNING, GORGEOUS, WONDERFUL ? Those booties are deadly beautiful!

Well that's a wrap for my thursday's inspo... Hope you guys enjoyed it! Check out my weheartit account: AFashionBlackSheep

2 commentaires:

Justine M. a dit…

Ta coque de IPhone est super belle pourtant je ne craque pas sur ce genre de choses habituellement :)

Unknown a dit…

Le tatouage est magnifique, ton blog est top! Et les boots.... Bref c'est chouette!

Bon courage pour la suite! Et bientôt de nouvelles photos sur alors si tu as un peu de temps jette un coup d'oeil !

À bientôt xx